About Me

Terry Bailey

“My mission is to enable my clients to live the life they've imagined.”

Terry provides a comprehensive approach to wealth management. It begins with taking time to understand what the client is seeking to achieve and then building a plan that takes the least amount of risk to pursue that goal. It is an integrated process designed to help his clients accumulate and distribute wealth during their lifetimes. Retirement planning, 401k transition assistance, 529 plans, mutual funds, life insurance, annuities, and business retirement planning are just a few of the services & products that Terry utilizes to serve his clients.

Terry is a native of San Francisco. He received an athletic scholarship and graduated from Michigan State with a degree in Finance. He served as an Officer and Pilot in the Marine Corps and traveled the world as a pilot and business consultant.

Away from the office Terry pursues flying, golf, scuba diving, and quality time with his family.